Monday, July 28, 2008

Opick: OST Mengaku Rasul

About Opick
Opick make his debut for the first time is when he release the Tombo Ati (Religious Song in Bahasa Indonesian). Tombo Ati is a traditional Javanese song composed by Sunan Bonang, one of Wali Sanga . This song is based one of famous hadith of prophet Muhammad. The song is about a Muslim's ways of gaining spiritual peace and tranquility, through tahajjud, reciting the Qu'ran, fasting, gathering with pious people, and in constant remembrance of Allah Most High, all of which are considered to be "Remedies for the Heart".

This song is still being taught at pesantrens, and has been sung, recorded and released by several Indonesian singers.

Five centuries after its composition, this song is still one of the most popular traditional Javanese songs. Its popularity also spread to mostly Muslim Indonesian region such as Sumatra. Islamic song contests, in Indonesia often use it as mandatory song. Due to its spiritual contents, pesantrens often teach it, particularly in traditional inland parts of Java.

Indonesian singer has many times re-released it as modern religious song, often accomopanied with Indonesian translation. One of the latest adaptations, on the album 'Istighfar' by Opick, has sold at least 180,000 copies. Another adaptation, by Emha Ainun Nadjib, is also famous. This song is especially popular during the holy month of Ramadan.

This is the newest Opick Religious Album: Mengaku Rasul
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Most Popular Islamic Compilation Song

Kompilasi Tembang Islami Terpopuler:
This album containing the most popular Islamic song. You can find 8 songs sing by most popular artist from Indonesia like Sakha, Cokelat Band, Opick, Debu Group, Idris Sardi, Dessy Ratnasari and Snada Group.

Just clik on the link to download free mp3:

Mutiara Hati Sakha download
Pasrahkan PadaNya Cokelat download
Taqwa Opick download
Cinta Sejati Debu download
Ya Rasulullah Idris Sardi download
Mazhab Cinta Debu download
Hidayah Dessy Ratnasari download
New Shalawat Snada download

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, dll.

Klik pada judul untuk mendownload:

Ketika cinta bertasbih- Melly Goeslaw free download

Opick ft. Melly G download

Raihan: Demi Masa

About Raihan
Raihan (Fragrance of Heaven in Arabic) is a Malaysian Nasheed group originally composed of five members that took Malaysia by storm with the release of their debut album Puji-Pujian in October of 1996. This group comprised of Nazrey Johani, Che Amran Idris, Abu Bakar Md Yatim and Azhari Ahmad as the leader. Produced by Farihin Abdul Fattah, Puji-Pujian grossed sales of more than 650,000 units.

However, on 29 August 2001, one of the founding members/header, Azhari Ahmad, died of a heart attack shortly after attending the Era Awards ceremony in Genting Highlands, Pahang.

The remaining four members, Nazrey Johani, Che Amran Idris, Abu Bakar Md Yatim and Amran Ibrahim have continued releasing album after album. So far, Raihan has released a total of 11 albums and has won many awards in Malaysia. To date, Raihan had won AIM Anugerah Kembara three time for their extensive international tours.

Nazrey Johani recently resigned from Raihan and is replaced by Nordin Jaafar. However, in early January 2007, Nordin Jaafar himself resigned from Raihan. He was replaced by Zulfadli Bin Mustaza.

Raihan's motto is 'Pray Hard, Work Smart'.

On Demi Masa, Raihan perform the Hadist:
"Pergunakanlah lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkara yang lain. Pertama, masa hidupmu sebelum datang kematianmu. Kedua, masa sehatmu sebelum datang masa sakitmu. Ketiga, masa luangmu sebelum datang masa sibukmu. Keempat, masa mudamu sebelum datang masa tuamu. Kelima, masa kayamu sebelum datang masa miskinmu." (HR. Hakim).

Download Demi Masa below:

Tihamah download mp3
Demi Masa download mp3
Kasih Sayang download mp3
Mari Berhibur download mp3
Bonds Of Love download mp3

UNGU: Para Pencari-Mu (2007)

This is the Mini Album of UNGU; a band from Indonesia. Actually their music are not base on religious music. Released in September 15, 2007. UNGU Band member are: Pasha, Oncy, Rowman, Enda and Makky.

Download The Mini Album: Para Pencari-MU below:

Para Pencari Mu download
Sembah Sujudku download
Sesungguhnya download
Tuhanku download
Surga Hati (feat Ust Jeffry) download

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gigi: Raihlah Kemenangan

Gigi; rock Band from Indonesia released this album on Oct 19, 2004.
The personel Armad Maulana, Dewa Budhana, Thomas Ramdan and Gusti Hendy perform this album special for rock lover.

LAILATUL QADAR [download here]
HILANG [download here]
TUHAN [download here]
RAIHLAH KEMENANGAN [download here]

DEBU - MABUK CINTA (Drunk with Love)

About Debu
Debu is a group of Muslim musicians formed in 2001 and currently based in South Jakarta, Indonesia. Most of the band's members are American, with other members from England, Sweden and Indonesia. Their band name is an Indonesian language means “dust”. Debu’s music has sound mix of Middle Eastern strings, thumping drums, flutes, violins, an Irish harp, santur, flamenco guitar, baglama, tambura, oud, dumbek and some Indonesian instruments. Their music lyrics are about peace, the love and longing to the Creator, and other Islamic messages. The songs are mainly in Indonesian, but there are also some in Arabic, English, Persian, Turkish, Spanish and Chinese language. They have released four Indonesian albums and one Turkish album.

From DEBU's vast repertoire of music, these selected songs in this debut represent DEBU's fast journeying and ever evolving musical style.

Drunk with Love represents a synthesis and the impetus for all the songs in this album. Implicitly and explicitly, the Sufi poetry manifests the drunkenness of of the Sufi poet - drunken with the love of his Creator and striving to convey this love adequately.

Buy Here
Download Here:

AMPUNILAH SAYA [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
CINTA SAJA.mp3 [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
LAUTAN HATIKU [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
BADAN DAN HATI [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
INSYA ALLAH [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
DIDALAM TAMAN KEKASIH] [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
ASYIK NAMA ALLAH [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
DARI TIMUR TERBIT CAHAYA [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
MUSTOFA AINUL WARAA [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]
ALLAH , HATI MEMANGILMU [Download Debu Mabuk Cinta mp3]

Rahasia Penghasilan Online tanpa perlu Modal

Opick: Obat Hati

Nasyid an Alternative

In nine teen, Nasyid is just an interlude, like a kolak pisang in Ramadhan month.
Yet, there are diferent situation. Nasyid become more passionate with the emerge of Nasyid group Raihan in Malaysia, Snada, Izzatul Islam, Suara Persaudaraan, Mupla from Indonesia. Now, we can find Haddad Alwi dan Sulis with their album "Ziarah Rasul" with sold three million copies. It is true that Nasyid as alternative Islam music that we always waiting for.

Click here to download Nasyid:

01. TOMBO ATI - OPICK [download Moeslim mp3]
02. AIR MATA ACEH - SNADA [download Moeslim mp3]
03. DARI BUMI UNTUK LANGIT - ICHA JIKUSTIK [download Moeslim mp3]
04. MADAH ROSUL - DANG FATHURRAHMAN[download Moeslim mp3]
05. PASRAHKAN DIRI - YANA YULIO [download Moeslim mp3]
06. KAU MILIKNYA - AL VEOLI [download Moeslim mp3]
07. DEMI MASA - EL VOICE [download Moeslim mp3]
08. SATU HARAP - HARD [download Moeslim mp3]
09. ANUGRAH YG TERINDAH - GRADASI [download Moeslim mp3]
10. MENGEMIS KASIH - ALJ [download Moeslim mp3]
11. BISMILLAH MULA MULA - KAHFI [download Moeslim mp3]
12. RINDUKU - BPM [download Moeslim mp3]

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ungu: Surga-Mu (Your Heaven) 2006

Ungu is Indonesia Band base on pop music.
In 2006 thay released Surga-Mu (Your Heaven); the Religious Pop album.

Surga-Mu (Your Heaven) created by Enda and Selamat Lebaran (Happy Idul Fitri) create by Pasha being a fenomenal and sung every where.
Here are 5 song and karaoker version. Click to download.

Surga-Mu | Andai Ku Tahu | Selamat Lebaran | Doa | Shalawat

versi Karaoke:
Surga-Mu (Karaoke) | Andai Ku Tahu (Karaoke) | Selamat Lebaran (Karaoke) | Doa (Karaoke) | Shalawat (Karaoke)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


RAIHAN - Raihan means 'Fragrance of Heaven'. Formally formed in October 1996 by five members with Nazrey Johani, the late Azhari Ahmad as leader, Che Amran Idris, Abu Bakar Md Yatim and Amran Ibrahim. Curently Raihan members remained 4 Che Amran as the leader with Abu Bakar, Amran and Zulfadli. Raihan pioneered contemporary Nasyeed to win many awards and recognition. They now travel the world spreading inspirational words of peace to all people, Muslims or otherwise.

ASSALAMUALAIKUM [download mp3]
BACALAH [download mp3]
PUJI PUJIAN [download mp3]
THANK YOU ALLAH [download mp3]
25 RASUL [download mp3]
10 MALAIKAT [download mp3]
SIFAT [download mp3]
SYUKUR [download mp3]
IMAN MUTIARA [download mp3]
BISMILAH [download mp3]
RAKAN SALAWAT [download mp3]
CAHAYA SALAWAT [download mp3]
DEMI MASSA [download mp3]
MARI BERSOLAT [download mp3]
CING AI CHING AI [download mp3]

Monday, July 21, 2008

Arifin Ilham

Yaa Nabi Salam 'Alaika
I' tiraf
Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH
Keagungan Tuhan
Mengemis Kasih
Pasrahkan Diri
Tombo Ati
Damba Cinta Mu

Aa Gym dkk

Klik pada judul lagu untuk mendownload razz

Siti Nur Haliza: Anugerah Aidilfitri
Jagalah Hati
MARSHANDA - Sebuah Pengakuan
Mata Hati
Selamat Datang Ramadhan
Antara 2 Cinta
Mengemis Kasih
WARNA - Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH
Antara Mata Dan Hati
IKKE NURJANAH - Keagungan Tuhan

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The Fikr & KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar

Cinta [download mp3]
Hidayah Ilahi [download mp3]
Istighfar [download mp3]

Rahasia Penghasilan Online tanpa perlu Modal

Jeffri Al Buchari - Lahir Kembali

Kiamat [download Islamic mp3]
Istghfar [download Islamic mp3]
Selamat Hari Lebaran [download Islamic mp3]

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